Imagine yourself as a Physician Assistant or Occupational Therapist? Take this first step to careers in Community Health Education, Diagnostic Medical Imaging, Nutrition Sciences and other health- related careers. Students are prepared to enter several different bachelor degree programs throughout the metropolitan area.
Public health is the science of protecting and improving the health of families and communities through promotion of healthy lifestyles, research for disease and injury prevention and detection and control of infectious diseases. Public Health and related fields is among the fastest growing employment areas in NYC and the nation.
One of the oldest known therapeutic treatments, Massage Therapy is increasingly recognized and incorporated into more traditional medical treatments. This degree -- the only such higher education program in the metropolitan area -- offers a strong academic foundation and practical applications of both Eastern and Western massage techniques.
The A.A.S. degree program in Medical Assistant builds upong the existing 30-credit Certificate in Medical Office Assistant. By completing the Associate Degree program, students will increase their general medical knowledge and administrative skills and will gain proficiency in additional clinical procedures that a typical medical office would employ.
The Nursing program combines a rigorous 67-credit program with clinical experiences, preparing graduates to provide direct care to patients with common, well-defined health care needs in a variety of structured health care settings. Admission is highly competitive, and is based on successful completion of a pre-Nursing curriculum.
Leading to B.S.N. in Nursing at Hunter College
The Nursing program combines a rigorous 67-credit program with clinical experiences, preparing graduates to provide direct care to patients with common, well-defined health care needs in a variety of structured health care settings. Admission is highly competitive, and is based on successful completion of a pre-Nursing curriculum..
Leading to B.S. in Nursing at the School of Professional Studies
The Nursing program combines a rigorous 67-credit program with clinical experiences, preparing graduates to provide direct care to patients with common, well-defined health care needs in a variety of structured health care settings. Admission is highly competitive, and is based on successful completion of a pre-Nursing curriculum.
Leading to B.S. in Health Sciences at York College
The Nursing program combines a rigorous 67-credit program with clinical experiences, preparing graduates to provide direct care to patients with common, well-defined health care needs in a variety of structured health care settings. Admission is highly competitive, and is based on successful completion of a pre-Nursing curriculum.
The modern medical office requires individuals trained in medical facility procedures, as well as administrative, technical, and secretarial skills. The Medical Office Assistant Certificate program combines medical secretarial skills with study of basic biological principles, public health sciences, and medical office clinical procedures.